Ruah Interfaith Spirituality & the Arts

Ruah Interfaith Spirituality & the Arts

CMM’s Ruah Interfaith Spirituality & the Arts offers opportunities for grounding and spirituality, education, connecting to other cultures, listening to one another’s faith and value-based perspectives, as we come together to heal ourselves and the earth through dialogue and the arts. We believe that these are essential for sustainable social justice work.

Specific programs include: Conversational Circles, community potluck conversations, lectures, conferences, courses, concerts, film screenings, playback theater nights, publications (see below), rallies, press conferences, and partnerships, surrounding current social issues with emphasis on respecting different traditions as we respond to religious and racial intolerance as change agents.

Interfaith Music Night (March 23, 2024) Download Flyer

Featuring: Ever in Bloom – Kirtan Ensemble, with Jess Navarette and an interreligious mix of friends, Rev. Hyunoh Kim from Won Buddhism of Boston, and various Christian representatives, including Gabi Makuc with Taizé-style chants. Co-sponsored by Boston Theological Interreligious Consortium, Cooperative Metropolitan Ministries, and Newton Community Pride.

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Interfaith Day of Service (January 11, 2024) Watch here

We were proud to continue our great relationship with Brandeis University for Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day in January with service and learning initiatives around the theme of “Continuing the March: Celebrating 60 Years of the March on Washington.” Great speakers that evening included Tanisha Sullivan, president of the NAACP Boston Branch, and Reverend Emmanuel “Manny” Daphnis ’98, a pastor at Restoration Community Church in Brockton. Click here for article

In Celebration of Rumi (November 4, 2023) Watch here

We finally got to be back in person with our 23rd year doing this, with over 275 people registered and packing out First Church in Cambridge! CMM has appreciated its ongoing relationship with the originators of Ruah programming in the bringing of dervishes to the Greater Boston area in a celebration of Rumi through music (Orkestra Marhaba), poetry and dance. (Pictured above, a sema at the Friends Meeting at Cambridge from 2018)

Combating Antisemitism in America: National Strategy to Community Impact (October 1, 2023)

CMM has been tracking the rise of Antisemitism and Islamophobia long before this latest outbreak of violence in the Middle East. In promoting this event and others, we are in talks of putting on more community events around these subjects. Alex Pascal, Temple Beth Shalom (Needham) member and former member of the Biden-Harris Administration as Special Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy, spoke on the U.S. National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism, released in May. You can read a summary of this report here. The full 60 page document is also available online.

Global Mobilization to End the Ukraine War (September 30 – October 8, 2023)

CMM partners with Massachusetts Peace Action for a week of events that encourages a ceasefire and peace negotiations for the ongoing war in Ukraine. There will be a march from Downtown Crossing to the Common and a rally with speakers & musicians on Sept. 30th, a national webinar teach-in on the war with keynote speaker Cornel West Oct. 3rd and an Advocacy Day Oct. 4th, as well as media events, and tabling with postcards in different communities and on different campuses. Sign up here!

Season of Creation Team: Bridging the Tectonic Plates (September 1 – October 4, 2023)

CMM proudly joined in an international, ecumenical conversation series on climate change, with scholars and clergy from Iceland, Latin America, and Duke Divinity, organized around initiatives of the Vatican, World Council of Churches (WCC), and other entities like the Spirituality and Sustainability: Global Network (SSGN). Continuing to meet weekly for this next month, we will discuss issues raised in Pope Francis’ Laudato si (2015), the “Season of Creation” itself as uplifted by the WCC (9/1-10/4), and acknowledging the effects on indigenous and impoverished communities, in hopes of coming up with an initiative at the season’s conclusion that we can do in partnership.

UN International Day of Peace (September 17, 2023)

Every September, CMM partners with Friends Meeting in Cambridge and the Massachusetts Center for Native American Awareness, among many other organizations, in commemorating Boston’s observance of the UN International Day of Peace. This year’s theme: “Actions for Peace: Our ambition for the #GlobalGoals.” Click here for more info

Golden Rule is Coming to Boston (June 18-21, 2023)

A crew from Veterans for Peace is using this historic ship to campaign against the madness of nuclear weapons. They will be in Boston June 18-21. Sign up to endorse the trip and to help in various ways. Click here for more info

Rome & Assisi Spirituality and Sustainability Conference (June 4-11, 2023)

Join Rev. Dr. Rodney L. Petersen (CMM Executive Director Emeritus) and others as they present papers on the climate and our place within it. Click here for more info

Interfaith Climate Summit (June 4, 2023)

We are proud to partner with CREW and many other organizations to organize an interreligious climate summit around climate resiliency and preparedness.

Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence (May 2, 2023)

Join us on Boston City Hall Plaza for this public reading of Rev. King’s famous speech as a reader or supporter at 4pm.  Relish in an opportunity to absorb Rev. King’s legacy and potentially “live out” what he called the “BELOVED COMMUNITY”! Click here for more info

Friendly Witness: The Spiritual Ground of Quaker Social Action Conference (April 19, 2023) Watch Keynote here and Watch Panels here

This was a cross-city hybrid conference at the Boston University School of Theology and the Beacon Hill Friends House exploring what the contemplative religious tradition of Quakerism has to say about theology and social action.

Immigrants’ Day at the MA State House (March 29, 2023)

We are proud members of Massachusetts Immigrant & Refugee Advocacy Coalition (MIRA) and were happy to join with them at the MA State House (9am-1pm) with Gov. Maura Healey in celebrating their accomplishments and learning of their immigrant-led initiatives that deserves our combined support.

Interfaith Music Night (March 18, 2023) Download flyer

It was a great night at Grace Episcopal Church in Newton of musical performances and brief reflections from various spiritual traditions, as well as the amazing free vegan/vegetarian food prepared! It had community songs and call-response singing from Boston locals. Co-sponsored by Jess Navarette, Enrica Filippi, the BTI, and Newton Community Pride.

International Choral and Arts Festival (February 2023) Watch here

In February, CMM partnered with multiple universities and community members in putting together a music festival, centered on love and harmony in response to the rising violence in the city. This is the resurrection & expansion of the beloved BTI “Choirfest,” once hosted by our Executive Director Emeritus, Rev. Dr. Rodney L. Petersen. Check out the coverage of the event here.

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Interfaith Day of Service (January 2023) Watch here

We were proud to continue our great relationship with Brandeis University for Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day in January with service and learning initiatives around the theme of “Reflecting and Reimagining.” 

In Celebration of Rumi (October 2022) Watch here

For over twenty years, CMM has appreciated its ongoing relationship with the originators of Ruah programming in the bringing of dervishes to the Greater Boston area in a celebration of Rumi through music (Orkestra Marhaba), poetry and dance. Click here to view this past November’s recording, along with the 20th anniversary recording from the previous November, as well as that December’s “Afternoon Celebrating the Poetry of Jelaludin Rumi.”

UN International Day of Peace (September 2022) Watch here

Every September, CMM partners with Friends Meeting in Cambridge and the Massachusetts Center for Native American Awareness, among many other organizations, in commemorating Boston’s observance of the UN International Day of Peace. This past year’s theme: “End racism. Build peace.” Click here for more info

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Interfaith Day of Service (January 2022) Watch here

CMM partnered with the Brandeis University’s Center for Spiritual Life, Department of Community Service, Intercultural Center, Waltham Group, Myra Kraft Transitional Year Program, Brandeis University Library, and the Massachusetts Service Alliance, to package over 14k meals with volunteers from around the area, and deliver them to food banks and congregations that help food insecure communities. Last year was done on Zoom and this year will be on Zoom as well. Click below to check out some of the great resources from that year:


At My Neighbor’s Table Community Potluck Conversation Series

A partnership between CMM, Needham Interfaith Clergy Association, Needham Diversity Initiative, Needham Human Rights Committee and other community partners to host community conversations on timely topics such as structural racism, education equity, and restorative justice. We are fortunate to be supported by a generous grant from the Needham Cultural Council. The latest conversations had to be on Zoom due to the pandemic. Here are links for the latest five:






Facing Our Racism: Becoming Conscious Partners – Workshops

CMM launched this pilot program with two experienced facilitators in the fields of social work and psychology on white privilege and supremacy, as well as unconscious bias, and moving towards actions, such as reparations, in the planning for a better future. Workshops took place in October, November, May and July with more being planned for the and fall.

From Trauma to Triumph: CMM Annual Fundraiser (June 2021) Watch here

  • Thomas W. Porter, Jr., Boston University Lecturer & Co-Director, Program on Religion and Conflict Transformation, Retired (The Rev. Charles Harper Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient)
  • Rev. Kelly Fassett, Executive Director of UniteBoston
  • Rev. Dr. Walter Earl Fluker, Boston University Martin Luther King, Jr. Professor Emeritus of Ethical Leadership (The Rev. Charles Harper Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient)
  • Kim Janey, Then Acting Mayor of Boston


Sharing Our Stories: Towards an Inclusive American Narrative (Spring 2021)

CMM promoted a community-building exercise exploring issues of identity, spirituality, neighborliness, and the importance of hospitality. Conversations centered around the multiple narratives present in the country and trying to find an inclusive one for going forward. It gets to the core of who we are and as it becomes expressed in social settings with civic implications. Click here for more info

Fratelli Tutti – Everyone is Connected: Brothers and Sisters, All (January 2021) Watch here

CMM started the new year with an interfaith conversation on Pope Francis’ encyclical, Fratelli Tutti, promoting connection. The afternoon was facilitated by Fr. Tom Ryan of the Paulist Center, with reflective remarks by Dr. Basyouny Nehela of the Boston Islamic Seminary and Rabbi Or Rose of the Betty Ann Greenbaum Miller Center for Interreligious Learning & Leadership of Hebrew College.

Revelation in a Time of Survival Series – Spirituality & Sustainability (Fall 2020)

This 6-Week Zoom series of reflections from spiritual leaders of the greater Boston area was on climate change and the pandemic taking place (6 Tuesdays) September 1 – October 6, in line with the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation (celebrated in the Orthodox Christian community) all the way to St. Francis Day (acknowledged in the Catholic Church).


Revelation in a Time of Plague Series (Late Spring 2020)

Co-hosted with MAS Boston, a 4-Week Zoom series of reflections from spiritual leaders of the Abrahamic family of faith taking place (4 Wednesdays) April 22 – May 13, 2020. Click here for more info

Selma & Beyond MLK Bus Trip (Spring 2020)

Along with The New Democracy Coalition, Northeastern University Center for Spirituality, Dialogue & Service, and UMass Boston, we boarded a bus February 28th and headed down to the Alabama for a few days for the 55th Anniversary of the Pettus Bridge Crossing. Click here for more info

Reading King in Boston Series (Fall 2019)

“Reading King in Boston” is a program that raises up specific works by Martin Luther King, Jr. The selections chosen are to be read and discussed in anticipation of themes raised up in four recognized national or international commemorations in fall, 2019. Funded in part by Mass Humanities. Click here for more info

Interfaith Prayer Booklet publications

CMM called together interfaith thought leaders in the greater Boston area on the concept of “Just Peacemaking” and tasked them to write a reflection on the current times, based on the theme that year, followed by a corresponding prayer. PDFs are available below and physical copies can be ordered by demand by emailing